Welcome to the North Armagh Motor Club Ltd February Lanes Rally, which will run as a Targa Rally
in accordance with Motor Sports Association (MSA) Regulations and with the protocol prepared by
the Association of Northern Ireland (ANICC) Targa Rally Monitoring Panel. The rally is kindly
sponsored by Shane Branniff and his eurocables (Belfast )Ltd specialist cabling and component
supplies company.
The event will comprise of a number of timed Special Tests which will run in private grounds on a
mixture of tarmac, concrete, gravel, mud and grass surfaces. The route between Special Tests will be
identified on maps which will be supplied by the organising club.
Special Test information will be supplied in the form of diagrams and other information. Bogey times
for Special Tests will be set on the basis of an average speed of 30mph and a range of measures will
be used to ensure that bogey times are not beaten. Such measures will include chicanes, slaloms and
stop boxes. Both the nominated driver and co-driver (subject to having the necessary grade of
driving licence) are permitted to drive on Special Tests. Timing on connecting sections will be set to a
very easy schedule and crews will be permitted to wait at Main Time Controls for their due time
The event will be based at Loughgall Country Park, County Armagh, and all Special Tests will be
located within a 5 mile radius of the Park.
The schedule for the event is as follows:
• Entries open on publication on these Supplementary Regulations;
• Entries close on Tuesday 11 February 2014
• Final Instructions No 1 will be posted on the club website, www.namcc.com, on Wednesday
12 February 2014;
• Saturday 15 February 2014
1. 08.00 – 09.30 Car scrutiny and documentation
2. 09.45 Drivers Briefing
3. 10.01 First car starts
4. 15.00 First cars finishes
5. 16.00 Prize giving
The entry fee for the event is £75.00, and this includes a breakfast bap and a cup of tea for both
crew members following signing -on.
The secretary to whom all entries must be sent by post is:
Keith Somerville, 63 Markethill Road, Armagh, BT60 1NX
Tel: 07745 959141
Email: ksomerville@namcc.com